Owner's Photo Competition

And the winner of this months Owner's photo competition once again goes to Jeremy Bilham from Bournemouth, UK

This is the third time that we have awarded Jeremy for his photographic skills. This time we recognize his work, not only for the beautifully captured scene, similar to Macchiaioli painting, but mainly because his shot represents what we mean when we encourage our owners to explore the countryside without a map and enjoy the experience of "getting lost"!

It's a wonderful sensation when one literally "gets lost" in what can only be described as the quintessential Tuscan landscape we all know and adore!

This photo embodies that concept. And it might be interesting for you to know that it was taken on the way to Pitigliano, between Radicofani and Sorano looking north. In the picture, on the horizon you can just make out Radicofani on the extreme left with Monte Cetona in the center across the beautiful Val D'Orcia.

In other words getting happily lost… This is the beauty of discovering Tuscany; simply leaving all guidebooks at home and enjoying the thrill of exploring in its true sense.

And we feel sure Jeremy will have shared his excursion with fellow owners over dinner that evening…

As we increase our photo gallery, we encourage all of our owners and their guests to email: reception@borgodivagli.com with their own favourite photos of Borgo di Vagli in high resolution.

Each month one high resolution photo will be chosen and circulated electronically; from now the winner will fittingly be presented with a copy of the renowned American photographer Leonard Freed's photo book IO AMO L'ITALIA. Freed's exhibition Io amo L'italia was held during 2012 in Milan, Rome and Turin and was well supported by both critics and the general public.

Leonard Freed once referred to his relationship with Italy as a "love story". This passion reaches back a long way, beyond his career in photography, to his first interest in the medium, which began on his initial trip to Europe in 1952.


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